Sunday, October 24, 2010

Delaying Condoms for longer during sex - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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In short, here is what condoms are desensitization:

They are typical of condoms but one important difference: they contain a numbing cream or gel in the tip of the condom. As most places, you will feel the gel on the head of the penis. What will happen in the next few minutes is that a "stunning" effect will take place. You penis is essentially desensitized to high.

Alright let's get right to the good, bad and ugly tooDesensitizing condoms for longer during sex.

The Good: Well, frankly, you can add a lot longer than usual. As the penis is not so sensitive, you will not feel the usual "over-excitement" that occur very early during sex can. For this reason you will be able to hold out much longer.

The Bad: You might not feel much during sex. There are big disadvantage and that is a desensitizing condoms whilecould take longer, the compromise will be that you will not feel much during sex and overall sexual experience downgraded significantly.

The Ugly: The ugly can easily happen sooner. Everyone fumbles with condoms as possible, we try to get those suckers on so quickly. With the kind of desensitization, and imagine in the heat of the moment captured and putting on the condom in the wrong direction (from inside to outside). Guess who's going to be with the "numbingEffect? Not you. Of course this can go off a huge back, a big FAIL.

Best alternatives: Even if these condoms, you should still work, of course, Sex in the attempt, at length, running without relying on special creams or condoms in length. You can learn, of course, modified by exercises that train you basically keep your body and do not ejaculate so quickly. This work is very good, and best of all you get to enjoy sexto the fullest, rather than all drugged up in the experience.

Visit : buying condoms lifestyles condom


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