Monday, September 27, 2010

Durex Performax condoms they work?

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Durex Performax condoms are one of the top sellers for the company Durex International otherwise known as SSL. This cunning and innovative company recognizes it is necessary for a product that helps with premature ejaculation. Therefore, the climax control condom was born.

When they are making in the business of love, was not far stretch for them. For the most part people do not like using condoms. Despite the fact that they save lives. So what does Durexto do? They make a condom that can substantially improve the action.

How do they work? Simple ... The inside is lined with a special lubricant that the man covered desensitized. In other words, your manhood feels not so much. Now this may sound like a bad thing, but in fact is a bonus. Many men who suffer from premature ejaculation are excited about and can not control their release.

This product is to get these people a chance to control their bodies and allow moreTime to your partner with. However, this product can not help people with physical problems. It is primarily for those men who do not certainly made the mind / body connection yet. What the outside, just like any other Durex condoms - lubricated with a standard lubricant for her and for him fitted form

Now that we know what it's doing can discuss how well it works. Most encounters I had with this product have been positive. Strike that very positive. While varied in intensityfor each individual, I have heard mostly praise. It ranges from mild to moderate loss of sensation, but the result is still the same - they were able to take longer. There were two cases I heard were that have been negative. In one case, the man lost complete feeling in his appendix (a rare extreme events). In the other case was the person, as no loss of sensation.

Conclusion: for the most part, this is a cheap product. How much does it help you can do is draw. But honestly, if itcomes to this subject any help is great. So give em try. You can buy them at most drugstores, department stores or retail stores such as Wal-Mart.

See Also : black condoms non lubricated condoms


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